Monday, February 21, 2011

Our store

It was a lousy weekend. Why I said this:

On Saturday we were going out with a couple for branch in 客满厅。Nice restaurant except the couple paid for branch. The couple are my brother- ilow's friend. We were out for breakfast last time, and they were paid for it already, the reason we want to have a branch with them again is because we don't want to own them, but they paid again! Made us really 被动。

The good thing is, they are Christian and in a church which I went there before.
Base on my previous' couple of month's experience I decided to go to their church and take a look. Sunday's sermon experience was really good, haven't have such feeling for long time. The pastor was good, not excellent, but really not bad. A couple I met before was still there, and they were really kind to me, invite me to their fellowship ...

The main difference between ours and theirs is there are a lots of couple there, and most of the brothers are doing the service. Also there are some young people which are studying in the university. The pastor looks the same as I met him before, but seems becomes more humble. 岁月...
Another difference is not like ours, there are few old people in this church, most of them are like our age.
When I write on this, I remember that every church is God's place, I come there for God, not people, well not because most of people ... I am thinking to stay in there church.

Back to my weekend story, the guy was pretty friendly, insist to invite us to their place after Sunday's sermon when it around 5:00pm at night. If it's another person, I will refuse him with no doubt, but ... So I picked up LG and arrived his place at 6:00pm ish, we decided to go out for dinner ( I prepared the food to cook at home, but I have no choice) and I insist to pay for it, I feel I was like an idiot. The guy picked a cheap restaurant and we had a cheap dinner ... (I think we still own them a meal ... gosh!) I still can't not figured out what kind of guy he is and his wife, his wife seems easier, she is a 直销agent for Nuskin which is popular 直销 product in late 90s, some one tried to convince me to use and join them couple years before, but I have no interest in such job, at before they only have the 护肤品, but now they are released some pill for health like other product. The wife is an earlier sales, she is very mature, selling the point but not push me at all. She told me she earned couple of $10000 per month. I ...... who should I trust? Like I said I really can't tell what kind of these people are, from my previous experience , seems they are not the bad person, but just because my experience something is not usual, I don't know... any way, they going back to China and will back again, and we have to hook with them again, I guess.

Well not end of the store, the guy welcome us with the kufu tea ... nice tea, but I couldn't sleep during the whole night. I will never have the tea in the evening again!

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