Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Beautiful Hawaii - 出发

特意没带任何裙子和什么好看的衣服,一心想着早那边可以买到自己可心的衣服带一箱子回来... 即使这样还是装满了一个行李箱. 把上次maui买的noodle ,沙滩凉席和沙滩包带上了 (这个简单沙滩包包很给力,跟着我们去了坎昆,能装好多东西)都带上了,加上一副浮潜的设备(特意没带脚蹼), 箱子就快满了。还有鞋子和一堆洗漱用品(防晒和晒后用品)。 还好每人人还可以自带一个小拉杆箱。也是能装不少东西呢.

朋友开着他“深爱”的破车把我们送到机场,这么多年了觉得像家人一样。 温哥华的春天冷得和冬天没啥区别,老公还纠结这要不要穿羽绒服,到了机场真看到了穿羽绒服得,他又在他的“正”字上多画了一笔。我把能穿上得外套都穿上了,盼着赶紧快到夏威夷吧。

等飞机的时候,怕飞机上吃的贵,还跑到Tim Hontons 买吃的,那个Chili 真的很好吃,出来的时候已经在家里吃了饭了,结果还是两人吃了一碗香喷喷儿的chili。 买了一个Turkey BLT 打算上飞机上吃。 (一直在不乱花钱和看别人享受中间来回纠结,即怕自己太能花钱,又怕自己为了省钱事后觉得委屈....) 去免税店看了看,香水口红面霜眉笔粉饼粉底腮红我都有,总也用不完,有东西有有东西的愁法...

终于可以上飞机了,最近到了这个年纪了吧,真的精力不够用啊,登机前24小时本来应该checkin 的, 可是下了班我完全忘得一干二净(blame to ch?),  等LD想起来,已经从教会回来很晚了,上网一看,居然已经没有两个挨着的座位了,好不容易找到两个前后挨着的,当然都是中间的位子。不过加航的飞机很宽大,坐下来到没觉得多不舒服。

飞机上已经开启了独家模式,大多数人多是去那里渡假的,很多孩子的哭闹和嬉笑,    有去投奔亲友的,有合家带口的,我左边是去那里和日本太太团聚的特别能聊天的本地铁路司机,一路上有他,我倒不觉得寂寞,从他太太的妈妈桑到他开着火车加拿大到处走,故事一个比一个有趣,一边给我开故事会,一边还不忘了给自己要了4小瓶的葡萄酒,再一次见证了外国人爱喝酒能喝酒的本领。老公边上已经是从魁北克飞了7个小时,到我们这个
趁着边上司机大叔打瞌睡的时候,我翻开圣经,把之前一周多的读经计划补上。跟姐妹分享的时候,姐妹也有说都不进去的时候。那段时间的我,就像坠落在黑洞里,看到那个通往光明的阶梯,可是没有力气也没有毅力迈开腿,只能求主的怜悯不要松开我。 在飞机上我读的特别专注特别享受,后来看了一个电影,一个因为精神有问题杀了人被关在监狱里的高智商的教授说,当我读书的时候,我觉得我在向着光明奔跑。 是的,当我那一刻读经的时候,我觉得我在像着主快乐地奔跑着。 (自省)

飞机上当然什么都没有,耳记,毯子都要自己花钱买,更别说吃的了,除了有喝得,吃的都要自己买。不知道加航是政治正确还是怎么的,每个机组都有几个非裔的女孩,其他机组人员服务也欠佳。我边上的大叔指着一个非裔的女空姐对我悄悄的说:she hate her job, I can see it from her face. 我心里笑得心花怒放啊,原来不是我一个人得感觉,大叔说的多么到位!
虽然不太饿,可是想象到了那里要10点多了,还有几个小时,也不好意思拿刚才买的sandwitch 吃, LD说飞机上有热的, 看了看 menu,份量小,看着没胃口, 还挺贵的... LD说他吃过pizza,还行,就要了一份pizza。LD 看到有macaroni, 表示想买,我当时心里想:你是怎么想的啊你,智力真是在小学三年级... 可为了表示对他的尊敬,我还是客气的说,你想要那咱们就试试吧,不过我还是想吃pizza... pizza 是热的倒是,and that's it。


下了飞机,拿了行李,机场里冷冷清清,有点陈旧,在拿行李的附近有Costco 设的一个接待点,负责安排所有订了Costco Package的酒店接送。    报了到,送了signature 的花环,和一般的花环不同的时,他们的花环还有一种馨香的兰花,套在身上沁人的香味把旅途的疲倦减少了一大半。不同航班,不同酒店,在costco订的客人在这里汇合,然后再被安排在不同的shuttle 上。
和我们一起下飞机的还有一对中国来的小夫妻,太太小巧伶俐,我们在外面等车的时候,照了机长照片,太太主动过来问我们要不要拍照。聊起来,原来他们是带着老公的爸爸妈妈来旅游,看着一家人幸福的样子。我真的很羡慕他们,年轻的时候就知道带着爸爸妈妈享受一下,那个时候的我们还在琢磨着怎么打拼,把父母接过来和自己住就觉得可以了。现在有能力了,他们已经不能来这么远的地方了。 忽然想到远方年迈的老爸,公公婆婆,觉得很对不起他们,我们真是做的太少了。

这种Shuttle bus 都是接送几个酒店的客人,我们是最后一个酒店,正好跟着车逛逛waikiki的夜景,车上第一个感觉就是日本人真的多,交通真的拥堵,道路真的很混乱, 运河边的夜色真迷人. LD 一路纠结没有零钱给小费,我翻出零钱包,凑了$2的零钱,尽管是钢镚,也是钱啊。
后来看到别人下车都没给小费,我们决定也不给了。 但是等我们最后下车的时候,

到了酒店大堂登机,Hilton Village 有7个酒店,除了个别订的,都要在Main lobby记。之前网上说check in的人很多,还特意翻出来Hilton Honor 的会员,准备人多的时候可以用上。

可能是因为晚上的原因吧,人并不是很多。等了一两个就到我们了,我们订的时所谓partial view的房间,负责登记的看了看,说我们的房间设备有些问题,去找了manager 然后一脸高兴的告诉我们:给你们升级了ocean view! 我赶紧say thank you的同时,也心里嘀咕,这个ocean view 来的真是容易啊。 结果去拿到房间号,才发现我们酒店时离沙滩最远的一间(不过也好,出去逛方便)。

到了房间,打开窗帘一看,果然时ocean view! 美丽的大海前面隔着rainbow tower 和hilton grant, 还有一个特别宽大酒店的顶层停车场!

我还是挺开心的,至少也是能看到大海的. 因为到的晚,收拾完东西已经快12点了,伴着大海,一觉睡到天明。

Friday, May 3, 2019

beautiful Hawaii - 准备行程

LD 一直说夏威夷 我就一直不是很感兴趣。
看来看去,我有点不知所措了。 LD 的作用这时候就发挥了:去夏威夷!我:哪个岛呢(我开始的时候还有点迷糊)LD:火诺鲁鲁吧(瓦胡岛)。 哦 好的!



定下地方,其他就好办了. Costco 是个好店,还有个travel的网站,上面有各种package, 不过都是比较好的酒店,价钱并不是非常便宜。当时同样的酒店,在别的地方就比较贵了。之前去过坎昆,一直对那里的沙滩很留恋,依稀记得茂宜岛的沙滩也不错,网上说warkiki的沙滩也很棒,看了一圈酒店,发现瓦胡岛只有Hillton Village Rainbow resort 有kind of private beach,酒店出来直接就是waikiki beach,其他地方都要走一段路。 $36K 机票+住宿 +机场接送(居然不包括吃) ,觉得还能接受,就定了这里. 我和老公都很怀念坎昆沙滩的日子,当时在那里觉得在沙滩和酒店都没呆够就走了(其实也只外出了2天:女人岛和chechin玛雅古迹)。这次想着可以继续在沙滩上放松的呆几天。(结果和我们想的不太一样)


定下了酒店和机票,心里安稳了些。接下来就看怎么玩儿了。因为第一起去瓦胡岛,不能总在酒店沙滩上呆着,怎么也要出去转转然后周边名声打卡一下。 开始上各种网,找游记,攻略,先看看别人怎么玩的。 中国的,北美的,哦还有台湾人写的游记,不知道是我语言和国家的关系还是别的,我试图找英文的北美或者其他国家人写的,但是除了travel adviser上一些不痛不痒的少量介绍,一直都没找到很有用的英文的游记。

按照攻略和地图(google map 真心好用),先神游了一下瓦胡岛,mark 了著名的景点,大致定了旅游的计划:

  • 第一晚到酒店(10pm) 吃口东西睡觉
  • day 1: 周边走走逛逛
  • D2: 租车去浮潜 东线游览
  • D3: 租车 珍珠港  西北线
  • D4: 沙滩 waikiki
  • D5:   沙滩
  • D6:  白天转转 晚上回城

一切定好以后,开始仔细看游记,真正把瓦胡岛神游了一下。住的酒店(为了checkin 方便还特意申请了了个Hilton的会员),著名景点,网红饭馆,景点手信。

不过游记上大都是一些著名的景点,写来写去都是那几个。为了看看”外国人“是怎么玩的,还专门再youtube上找video 看, 结果和国人说的也差不多。


出发之前有个插曲,埃塞俄比亚空难发现不久前的另一场空难也是波音737 Max,结果黑盒子证明了之前大家怀疑波音的软件设计有问题是有道理的,全世界开始停飞737 Max。 我除了为空难感到难过,也没把这事和我们的旅行联系到一起。LD说起同事出差换飞机,我问了句:我们不是也是这个型号吧,结果LD点头说正是。不过我也没担心,离出发还有一个多月时间,怎么都会解决的。果然不久收到Costco的另一封邮件,告诉航班时间改了。 提前2小时到达瓦胡到,本来中午离开瓦胡的航班改在晚上半夜了。 刚好又多出一天时间给我们逛逛。 

订这种package的好处就是交通和住宿都安排好了,中间有什么变更他们也会帮助处理的。还会发给一个很详细的intanary 把一切需要的时间,地点,名称和注意的细节很详细的列明。

记得之前去Maui snorkling 有很好的记忆,当时在一个住的附近一个小的珊瑚礁湾,水上趴了2天都没看够。 这次对浮潜很是向往,专门在Costoco买了一套浮潜的设备。LD是怕冷怕水的人,说·他不要

唯一有点遗憾的是为了配合各种时间,结果是周六晚上到,周五下午走,刚好错过了Hilton 那场著名的焰火。


Wednesday, August 8, 2018

an article for running

Heel Striking, Overstriding, and Cadence

The running industry is often caught up in a whirlwind of rumors; drugs in our sport, how running is “bad for your knees”, and that it is bad to run with your heel striking first.
We cannot do much about the first one, that is up to the drug federations, and we will keep battling the out of date myth that running is bad for your knees, but we can show you that if you are a heel striker you do not need to adjust your running stride, nor do you need to stop being a heel striker IF you are not overstriding and your cadence is high enough.
If you want to transition from running with a heel strike to a midfoot or forefoot strike, that is okay too, but a heel strike itself is not the reason you have injuries like shin splints or IT band syndrome. If you want to find the best running shoes for a heavy heel strike, we are big fans of choosing a shoe that is comfortable to you, rather than relying on a particular shoe to fix a problem
Today we are going to explain to you what is a heel strike and why heel striking is not as bad as you think, how to determine your ideal running cadence, and how to prevent overstriding, which is most likely the real reason you keep getting injured.
This article comes with a warning though, you will have to be prepared to explain this over and over again to running friends who ask you about a heel strike vs. a forefoot strike.
Ready to become the master?
Heel striking is bad for runners right? Wrong! Overstriding is bad for runners, and here is how to increase your running cadence and stop overstriding so you can stop getting injured all the time!

What Does a Running Stride Involve?

In last week’s article, Introduction To Running Biomechanics, we took a look at the individual components that make up a single stride, collectively referred to as the Gait Cycle.
We considered two phases: the Stance Phase (during which your foot is in contact with the ground) and the Swing Phase (during which the same foot is off the ground).
We divided the stance phase up into four stages:

Initial contact

When the foot of the front leg first touches the ground


The body making a controlled landing and absorbing elastic energy to use later in propulsion


The moment when the supporting leg takes maximum load as the body passes over it


The ankle, knee and hip all extending (triple extension) to push the body up and forwards using the elastic energy absorbed during braking, up to the moment when the foot leaves the ground (toe off).
This marks the beginning of the Swing Phase, a passive stretch reflex mechanism that fires the now non weight-bearing leg forwards, until the Gait Cycle for that particular leg starts once again with initial contact.
Although running depends on whole body interaction, being aware of the individual components of the Gait Cycle can help you appreciate how slight modifications to your running form can have a knock on effect that can lead to overall improvement in performance and less susceptibility to injury.
The key words in that sentence are your running form.
Despite claims made by marketed running styles like ChiPose and Evolution, differences in our biological make-up strongly suggests that what works for one runner will not necessarily work for everybody.
The fact that elite, world class runners possess different running styles strengthens the argument against a one-style-fits-all approach.
However, there are some elements common to almost all successful running styles, and we are going to dive in deeper to those today.

Is Landing with a Heel Strike Running Bad?

Over the last couple of years, the rise in popularity for barefoot running and minimalistic shoes has fueled debate over what part of the foot should touch the ground first – the heel, the midfoot or the forefoot.
In the excellent article “Is there an Ideal Footstrike for Runners?,” John Davis puts aside claims made by supporters and opponents of minimalistic footwear and instead takes a look at what scientific studies to date tell us about different footstrike styles.
As you will see from his article, much of the data seems to contradict itself, advantages being uncovered only to later reveal disadvantages.
But get this:
What studies do suggest is that the issue is not so much what part of your foot touches the ground first, but how close that initial contact is to underneath your hips, i.e. your centre of mass.
What does that mean?
Let us explain:

Does Running With a Heel Strike Cause Injuries?

Over the last couple of years, the heel strike (also known as a rearfoot strike) has been increasingly labelled as the chief perpetrator of running injury.
Check this out:
Consider the results of a study done by Pete Larson at the 2009 Manchester City Marathon.
Using a high speed camera, Larson filmed runners at the 10km and 32km points of the race, and later classified them according to their foot strike.
At the 10K mark, his results for 936 runners were as follows:
Heel strike: 88.9%; midfoot: 3.4%; forefoot: 1.8%; asymmetrical 5.9%
At the 32K mark, Larson identified 286 runners of the above runners, displaying the following:
Heel strike: 93% (87.8% were also heel striking at 10k.). Forefoot: 0%
In light of these performance results, how can heel striking be regarded as inefficient?
The answer could well be in what we saw earlier: running efficiency is not so much a question of what part of the foot touches the ground first, but how close initial contact is to underneath the hips, i.e. your centre of mass.
A heel strike that lands close to the hips and on a bent knee causes no significant over-braking or over-loading to the knee.
It is what coaches often refer to as a “glancing” or “proprioceptive” heel strike and should not be primary cause for concern or preoccupation.
Get this:
This is the heel-strike sometimes seen in elite athletes, a classic example being that of American long distance specialist Meb Keflezighi, silver medalist in the 2004 Olympics men’s marathon, winner of the 2013 Boston Marathon.
running cadence
Meb Keflezighi in the 2010 Boston Marathon
(Courtesy of Peter Larson)
If Meb can heel strike and get away with it, I think we can too! Remember to listen to the interview with Meb’s Coach, Bob Larsen for more insights into training with Meb.

What is Overstriding and How Do I Know If I am Overstriding?

In contrast to the above is the act of overstriding, where the foot comes into contact with the ground well ahead of the hips.
More often than not with overstriding, it is the heel that strikes first but what is more important is the fact that, as seen in the photo below, the knee is straight and locked out.
Overstriding is commonly associated with the creation of greater braking forces and excessive impact.
Research has shown that a more extended knee contact angle can increase the forces experienced by the body and therefore increase injury potential.
Overstriding runner
(Courtesy of Peter Larson)
What does this mean?
If you are overstriding, landing with your leg straight, knee locked out, you are sending a strong shockwave up your leg, which increases your risk of injury. From hamstring to achilles, and especially shin splints, overstriding is more likely to get you injured than any other aspect of your running form.
Still confused?
Listen to this podcast episode with Max Prokopy of UVA Speed Clinic, who explains what overstriding can cause and how to stop overstriding (and getting injuries) with a few simple changes you can make during your runs.
This is interesting:
Runners who overstride take fewer steps per minute (at a given running speed) than runners who do not over-stride.
In other words, they have a lower stride-rate.
In the 2011 paper “Effects of step rate manipulation on joint mechanics during running”, researchers from the University of Wisconsin-Madison investigated whether they could reduce impact forces in runners by increasing their stride rate.
By monitoring load changes following +/-5% and +/-10% modifications to stride rate, the researchers concluded:
Subtle increases in step rate can substantially reduce the loading to the hip and knee joints during running and may prove beneficial in the prevention and treatment of common running-related injuries.

How do Runners Increase Run Cadence?

Another word for stride rate is cadence. It is measured in strides per minute (spm).
You can easily determine your own cadence by counting the number of times your left foot hits the ground whilst running for 30 seconds.
Let's imagine yours was 40.
Double that to get the total for 60 seconds (80); then double it again to get the total for both feet (160).
Your cadence (for that particular running speed) is therefore 160spm.
Here’s the deal:
A cadence of less than 160spm is typically seen in runners who overstride.
It is important that we make a distinction between jogging and running.
Jogging (including warming up) is performed at a lower speed and is bound to involve a lower cadence.
Though some one-size-fits-all running styles pitch an optimum cadence that should be maintained at all speeds, even elite athletes are seen to drop their cadence slightly for different running paces.
Did you know?
Your height may also play a part in your stride rate, it may be limiting your stride frequency and max running cadence.

Is there a best running cadence?

Once again, you have to be careful what you read.
As the subject of cadence has become more main-stream, so too has the emergence of the “magic” optimum stride-rate of 180spm.
The reason for this is as follows: at the 1984 Olympics, famous running coach Jack Daniels counted the stride rates among elite distance runners.
Of the 46 he studied, only one took less than 180spm (176spm). Daniels also noted that in his 20 years of coaching college students, he never had a beginner runner with a stride rate of over 180spm.
Unfortunately, Daniels’ studies have been misquoted and as a result lead to all too frequent claims that everybody should be running at 180spm.
These claims ignore the fact that Daniels noted stride rates of at least 180spm, not exactly 180spm.
History clearly shows Haile Gebrselassie running 197spm en route to his world record time of 2:03:59 at the 2008 Berlin Marathon, and Abebe Bikila used a 217spm to become the first man to run a 2:12 marathon (2:12:13, Tokyo 1964).
What’s the bottom line?
As was suggested at the beginning of this article, differences in our biological make-up means what works for one runner will notnecessarily work for all.
If you do one day become an elite distance runner (and we sincerely hope you do!) it is highly likely your race cadence will be over 180spm.
However, and this is the important part, your journey to 180spm and beyond needs to be gradual.
The average recreational runner has a cadence closer to 150-170 spm.
How quickly you progress and in what direction your running form develops will be affected by factors unique to you – your height, hip mobility, level of general fitness, to name a few.
The safest and most appropriate way to increase your cadence is in the University of Wisconsin-Madison paper we considered earlier: increase your cadence by 5% to 10% at a time.

How to Increase Your Running Cadence

We dedicated an entire separate article to increasing your stride frequency and step length to improve your speed if you want to read about this in further detail, but here are the steps to gradually increase running cadence to prevent ending up injured.

Determine your ideal running cadence

Using the counting your steps method described above, determine your current cadence for a speed you would use for a 5km+ race.
Let’s imagine it is 160spm.
Adding the 5% increase (10% could well be too much of a jump), your new target is 168spm.

Change your new cadence for short periods to start with

Start by adding short distances into your runs in which you try to maintain your new target.
This can be done through use of a metronome (available from Amazon or downloadable as an app for your phone). Be careful as many of these gadgets still regard 180spm as the “magic” number and will only provide beats of 180spm+.
Sites like JogTunes can be used to find music with beats per minute (bpm) to match your desired spm.
Otherwise, you can always just monitor your progress with a 30-second one foot count (then multiply it by 4).

Run on a treadmill to measure your cadence

Practicing your new stride rate on a treadmill can sometimes be handy as you can set the speed to stay the same.

Increase your running cadence by 5% at a time

Once you have can comfortably run your a 5km+ pace at your new stride per minute (without thinking about it – remember we are seeking unconscious competence), add another 5% and repeat the process.
Want to learn more?

Thursday, January 4, 2018



Tuesday, November 14, 2017



Manager 宣布了项目的完成计划。

Manager 宣布了项目的完成计划。队员发现计划的漏洞,但是选择坚决服从。

Manager 宣布了项目的完成计划。
找到Boss说这个计划Manager 做的有问题,Boss 说哦? 我也听你们组其它人和我反映了,你有什么好的计划?

Friday, October 6, 2017

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Happy Birthday




最近姐姐对自己儿子的对象的相貌个头总是不满意,我就经常给她举奶奶的例子。奶奶嫁给爷爷的时候,大家都不看好这个个子不高,长相一般,还是大脚的女子。但是奶奶给爷爷生下了两个儿子一个女儿,爸爸是老二,据爸爸说,他其实还有个哥哥,据说比他还“好看”(引用爸爸原话),人人都喜欢,但是后来得了一场病,走了。爸爸长得英俊挺拔,相貌堂堂,真的不知道继承了谁的基因啊。 在爸爸很小的时候,就被地主(或者是比他家更有钱的人家)相中了,顶了娃娃亲。爸回忆说女娃娃也挺好看的,但是也是几岁的时候生病走了。好像还埋在了爸爸家的祖坟里。 然后又有一户大户人家看中了爸爸,于是又订亲。但是这家的女儿好像脑子不是很灵光,爸说小的时候,他就经常被小伙伴们笑话说他娶了一个傻婆娘,爸对这个一直深恶痛绝。

爸上学晚,因为比别的孩子大一点吧,所以他学习就特别好,学校里的老师和校长都特别喜欢他(是不是长得也很招人喜欢吧),到了要上中学的时候,家里因为经济)和观念的原因,不想让他继续念书了,他也打算回家种地了。结果他的小学校长(日本人...爸说他小时候光复之前,一直以为自己是满洲国人...这是后话)亲自到他家,苦口婆心(没有未必利用)说服(用的是中国话)他的爷爷和他爸爸让他去城里念中学,爸说他一辈子都记得这个校长,光复的时候,这个校长被镇压了(就是那个了...). 去城里年书不是件愉快的事情,家里里成立很远很远(有多远,爸爸说好几十里山路),没有车送他,爸爸就用走的,因为走路费鞋子,爸爸就把鞋脱了走。爸爸后来给我将这段的时候,每次讲到这里的时候每次他都哽咽唏嘘流眼泪,我当时心里还有点瞧不起爸爸呢,心里想:“那你还能上学呢,还有好多人连鞋都没有呢。。。”  现在想起来,还是个孩子的爸爸,当时做出那个决定,有多么的不容易。


爸爸中学念完,家里就张罗给他成亲了。他那个年龄是反抗不了的,于是就拜堂成亲。新婚之夜,爸爸把自己的枕头搬到床的另一头,对傻乎乎的新娘子说:你就别想! 然后自己和衣而睡,碰也不让新娘碰他一下。后来我们问爸,他怎么都不碰新娘一下,爸爸一本正经的说:小时侯他就特别反感这个新娘子,虽然当时不能反抗婚姻,但是他下定了决心,一定不和这个家里给取的媳妇有半点关系。

中学以后爸爸像所有满怀理想的冲动年轻人一样,要出去看看。他和同学去了一个什么地方,爸爸好像没和我怎么仔细说呢。我就记得他和我说,他们参加一个队伍,国民党的队伍...爸爸貌似还挺出色,当了班长。战争残酷,还有共产党的队伍来拉拢。不知什么原因,爸有一天忽然决定回家! (打了败仗?被共军俘虏了?共军要他当共产党,他不当...) 荒山野岭,日夜兼程,我听到的时候被感动的了不得。什么样的动力能让爸没在当地混下去(还是混不下去),一心回家呢?
